Community Design Archive

How small structures fill big gaps in food access

How small structures fill big gaps in food access

Storefront volunteer consultant and former mOb student Colleen Brennan discusses the relationship between craft and food access. A furniture builder by trade, she has worked on two projects about food access at mOb + Storefront — through Shalom Farms and Tricycle Gardens. 

City Stadium Neighborhood: Keep the Kickers

City Stadium Neighborhood: Keep the Kickers

The redevelopment of the City Stadium Site is of importance to the entire greater Richmond region, but this engagement process focused on the input and perspectives of those neighbors in closest proximity to the site—the people who interact with the site on a daily basis.

Scott's Addition Workshop Report

Scott's Addition Workshop Report

In June of 2013, the Scott’s Addition Business Association (SABA) and City Councilman Charles Samuels engaged Storefront to conduct a series of neighborhood workshops to develop a community design action plan.

Robinson Street Association Identifies Streetscape Needs

Robinson Street Association Identifies Streetscape Needs

Storefront responded to a request from the newly formed Robinson Street Association to assist in a prioritization process by, first, organizing an urban design walk down the corridor with members of the City of Richmond’s Department of Planning and Development Review (PDR) in February of 2013.